Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Last night Fionn got a burst of pent up energy around 2:00am. After ten minutes or so of feeling like we were in the center pit of a velodrome, DH correctly guesses that the little guy was hungry. One tin of kitty food later, we all calmed down for a snooze.
While in that drowsy stage before falling back to sleep, I decided that I'd be attending the veggie growing seminar at the local hardware store to see what new things they may offer for an avid container gardener. I was thinking of intermingling more veggies with herbs and or flowers in the same containers. Any thoughts or favorites would be appreciated.
Also, musn't forget to put more worms out for the bluebirds.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Single Cat Parenting

DH is out of town this week and I have single kittie parent duties for Fionn...needless to say he is winning. With me at work all day, he has far too much pent up energy by the time I get home. However, he was on his good behavior during dinner with my neighbor, only examining her plate once to check out what he could steal. It didn't work and got to participate in time out. He has an amazing interest in people food of any kind and loves steamed peas. Yes, I do microwave peas for the boy and he gobbles them up.

I looked at the garden this morning before work and began to mentally list all the things that need doing very soon. Particularly, cleaning out the bird boxes. And cutting back all the old growth, and and and...you get the picture. Well, not yet. I need to work out whether I can use DH's Nicon for my blog or need to get something a bit more simple. Perhaps it isn't the camera but figuring out which photo managing thing would work best for me. It would have to be simple and quick for my interest level. Any recommendations? I am fairly literate with a computer, but not ready for DH's Photoshop Maximus.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Of All things

I've been observing many friends and others who are blogging and have finally decided to take the plunge!
You all have such interesting things to do and say and it is a pleasure for me to drop in on all of you every day.
Hopefully, I will be able to hold up my end of the bargain and have something interesting for you as well.
Cheer me on you crafters and observers of the daily condition. I feel you are all of the optimistic persuasion and that give me great satisfaction that I have found the circle of influence where I wish to reside.
Bon Jour!