Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Last night Fionn got a burst of pent up energy around 2:00am. After ten minutes or so of feeling like we were in the center pit of a velodrome, DH correctly guesses that the little guy was hungry. One tin of kitty food later, we all calmed down for a snooze.
While in that drowsy stage before falling back to sleep, I decided that I'd be attending the veggie growing seminar at the local hardware store to see what new things they may offer for an avid container gardener. I was thinking of intermingling more veggies with herbs and or flowers in the same containers. Any thoughts or favorites would be appreciated.
Also, musn't forget to put more worms out for the bluebirds.


  1. Umm...where are you buying these worms? You are buying aren't you? There isn't a worm farm in your basement is there???

  2. Yes our little Jasper is 10 weeks and like your Fionn loves to play! Aren't they great company! Thanks for visiting my blog. congratulations on starting a blog... its the beginning of an adventure. I'll add you to my favourites!
    deb xx
